Opening Hours
Session Times
Session Duration
Facilitated Program
Group Size
Entry Fees
Teacher to Student Ratio
MoAD (Museum of Australian Democracy)
The Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) is located in the spiritual home of Australian democracy – Old Parliament House.
At MoAD we engage and inform young citizens, empowering them to use their voice and agency.
Onsite programs
In undertaking our programs Students:
• bring history to life and consider the important role they have in helping to shape our democracy
• explore exhibition content through an interactive trail experience and visit a historic parliamentary chamber
• participate in inquiry-led discussions and collaborative learning to make connections between our democratic past and their role as global citizens
Facilitated programs are eligible for the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate; see
All programs MUST be booked in advance and final numbers confirmed to support staffing ratios on the day of your visit
Digital Excursions
Delivered direct to your classroom or individual devices, our digital excursions allow students to investigate their role in our democracy by exploring historic spaces, participating in engaging interactive activities and developing their critical thinking and historical inquiry skills.
Head to our website to see our wide range of engaging, museum educator facilitated programs and workshops.
Book via or email to discuss options.
Online resources
MoAD Learning is here to help! Designed by educators, our Australian Curriculum-relevant classroom resources and Professional Development opportunities support your teaching in Civics and Citizenship, Media Literacy, History, the Arts, English, STEM, Cross-curriculum Priorities and General Capabilities. Find out more at
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