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Teacher to Student Ratio
National Archives of Australia
The National Archives of Australia engages students in immersive, skills-based learning programs to uncover the rich and diverse stories told by our collection.
Over 40 million government records capture the events and decisions that have shaped Australian history since Federation.
A visit to the National Archives will introduce students to many voices that echo through our collection, including those of First Nations activists, war veterans, migrants, prime ministers and more.
As an approved alternative PACER destination our onsite programs are aligned to the Australian Curriculum and are suitable for primary and secondary groups.
5 reasons to visit the National Archives with your school
1.View the original Australian Constitution in our Voices / Dhuniai exhibition.
2.Engage with state-of-the art digital technology in our Connections / Mura Gadi exhibition. Students interact with our massive digital wall to uncover stories behind archival records.
3.Develop source analysis skills. Our presenters encourage students to look at authentic archival records as historians do.
4.Uncover diverse voices and perspectives. Students view records created by First Nations activists and learn the stories of migrants affected by the White Australia policy.
5.Encourage active citizenship. Students think critically about past events and decisions and consider the role they might play in the future of our democracy.
All Bookings through
Digital programs
The National Archives offers digital programs for primary and secondary groups.
For more information about our digital programs, including how to book, go to or contact
Online resources
National Archives’ students and teachers site is for learners and educators of all ages who are interested in the development of Australian society since federation.
Access our classroom resources to discover archival records with your students through engaging and curriculum-aligned activities and videos.
Students can also explore the national archival collection and do their own research through our student research portal.