Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER)


The Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) program is an Australian Government initiative that provides financial assistance to support Years 4–12 Students learning about national democratic, historical and cultural institutions in Canberra.

PACER improves the understanding of Australian democracy and provides young people with skills they need to succeed as active and involved citizens.

All PACER-approved institutions provide education programs directly aligned with the Australian Curriculum.

PACER rebates are available to all eligible Australian schools, including homeschools.

Rebates are allocated on a per-student basis – dependent on criteria that can include distance from a school’s campus to the Canberra GPO, a school’s remoteness, and its socioeconomic circumstances.

Rebates are paid directly to schools once they have met PACER eligibility requirements.


Additional Loadings

Rebates are continuing at 2023 levels, including additional loadings to benefit Outer Regional, Remote and Very Remote schools, as well as schools with an Index of Community and Socio- Economic Advantage score at or under 1000.


New Zones

New zones were established in 2023 and they continue this year – see the accompanying table and map for details.


For more information on the PACER program, and to apply for PACER, go to

Phone: 1300 368 248