• dino


Opening Hours

Opening Hours

OpeDaily 10am-5pm
Session Times

Session Times

As arranged
Session Duration

Session Duration

90 minutes
Facilitated Program

Facilitated Program

Fully facilitated (teacher must attend)
Group Size

Group Size

Depends on program
entry fees

Entry Fees

Day time $13 per student. Night time $14 per student.
Teacher to Student Ratio

Teacher to Student Ratio

Free of Charge ratio 1:10
Evening Program

Evening Program

Night tours 5pm-9pm

National Dinosaur Museum


The National Dinosaur Museum, one of Canberra’s premier family tourist attractions, contains more than 50 skeleton and skull exhibits, real and replica fossils, and over 50 lifelike dinosaur models, as well as many animatronic dinosaurs that move, roar, blink and even breathe!

Our experienced guides take Students on a journey starting 4.4 billion years ago – when the Earth was forming – from the oldest minerals in the world through the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous eras, to arrive at megafauna.

Students gain a unique insight into biology, palaeontology, history, the evolution of species, and Australia’s ancient history.

During their experience Students can place their hands on a 150-million-year-old dinosaur bone and touch a 150 kg meteorite.

Photographs are welcome at the end of the discussion in each section.

We have recently updated, introduced many new exhibits and opened an interactive Dinosaur Garden.

Schools can choose a Gallery Tour or our seasonal Dinosaur Garden Tour.

We provide an interactive experience which allows students to learn about dinosaurs in a fun‑filled, informative and age-appropriate way.

Tours are available day and night, to suit all Primary and Secondary Students.

Each program runs for 90 minutes with a60-minute tour, and 30 minutes to experience our interactive areas, roam the Dinosaur Garden, or browse through Canberra’s largest display of fossils, minerals and natural crystal specimens in our well stocked and popular gift shop.

DAY TOURS: 9.30–11.00 am, 11.30 am–1 pm,1.30–3.00 pm, 3.30–5.00 pm.

NIGHT TOURS: 5.30–7.00 pm, 7.30–9.00 pm

Open every day – bookings essential, conditions apply.