
Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Weekdays 9am-4.30pm (ACT school terms only)
Session Times

Session Times

First session 9am. Last session 3pm
Session Duration

Session Duration

90 minutes (or by arrangement)
Facilitated Program

Facilitated Program

Fully facilitated (teacher must attend)
Group Size

Group Size

Max: 100 (or by arrangement)
entry fees

Entry Fees

Free entry

Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex


The Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex is a vital part of NASA’s Deep Space Network, exchanging data and commands with dozens of robotic spacecraft exploring the planets of our solar system and the universe beyond.

The Complex features several giant radio antennas, including a 70‑metre steerable dish –the largest in the Southern Hemisphere – plus the original historic dish which received and broadcast the first images of humans walking on the Moon.

The Complex is managed by CSIRO Space and Astronomy, on behalf of NASA.


Canberra Space Centre

Located 45 minutes from the city, the Canberra Space Centre showcases displays and exhibits on the past, present and future of space exploration.

Our education programs cover a variety of themes including exploration, investigation, space science and related technologies.

We cover the role of the Complex and the latest space discoveries, and share the tools Students and Teachers can use to explore the solar system and beyond.

Groups can explore the Centre, use interactive displays, see real space hardware, view a3.8-billion-year-old Moon rock, and take in views of the giant dishes.

We also provide plenty of time for questions.


School/Group bookings

We offer FREE fully guided educational programs (in ACT school terms), tailored to your Students’ level and Australian Curriculum units.

We recommend making bookings up to12 months in advance – see our website for details.


Deep Space gift shop

We recommend providing extra time after a session, for your Students to browse the gift shop, with its expanded range of gifts, souvenirs and educational items.